Michael Dupouy

La MJC founder and All Gone book author and publisher.

Writer, journalist and entrepreneur.

He has managed to build a timeless cult in Street culture with All Gone series.

In what direction the industry (street culture & fashion) is going with these worldwide changes?

I hope that in the future, our actions will be more useful to the community at large. That we will try to generate happiness without necessarily selling a product, but by educating more, helping each other and sharing positive experiences.

When we have the capacity to do so, it would also be great to share some income and help out as much as possible. That’s why, for example, our last basketball game helped in the fight against Covid-19.

We raised funds through our last collabs and rather than investing it in our development as a company, we tried to help vaccine research.

This was our modest contribution to a better world and we hope to be able to contribute to it in the near future because we all need it.



What cultural / subcultural  movement has influenced your life the most?

Football, club culture, raves, hip hop at large (graffiti, dance, rap and beatmaking).


What do you collect and what’s the most important piece of your collection?

Contemporary art, and I don’t really have a most significant piece to mention. The collection is still growing and evolving since 20 years.


What artist you would’ve liked a face-to-face conversation with?

A nice dinner with Aaron Garber-Maikovska, George Condo and Sterling Ruby would be dope!



The All Gone book signing tour is one of our most anticipated events, how do you think it will change in the coming years?

If the situation still doesn’t change and we still can’t fly (at the moment I can’t leave Europe anymore, the borders are closed) unfortunately, I won’t be able to meet and greet the people who support the book.

It’s sad, but what other choice do we have? In the worst case, no 2021 tour, and All Gone will only be available online and at the retailers who usually welcome me.

The online launch this year is phenomenal! We’ve never experienced anything like it. It proves that people have understood that I couldn’t go to meet them. Despite everything, we managed to make a signature in Paris when the book came out in January 2021, respecting the sanitary rules, wearing the mask, and with no more than 4 people instore. It wasn’t easy, but we did it, and people were thrilled and so was I!

Best case scenario, back on the road in 2022, meeting people again, wearing masks and trying to smile as much as possible behind the mask!

This was our modest contribution to a better world and we hope to be able to contribute to it in the near future because we all need it.