Netflix ultimate series dedicated to sneakerheads is out now!
„Sneakerhead“ takes its name from the snaekers collection subculture born in the United States during the 80s.
The series aims to show a cross-section of the sneakers culture, a phenomenon closely linked to the Western world, and of how sneakerheads manage to cross, without even much effort, the boundary between collecting and obsession.
The series tells the story of Davin, an American boy whose passion-obsession pushes him to an increasing need for money, inducing him to gamble, to risk and to compromise his relationship with his wife.
The maniacal rush for the rarest and priceless sneakers of the protagonist accompanied by his friend Bobby, turns into an exhilarating „treasure hunt“ around the world that will not be easy at all!
USA (2020) – Season: 1
Episodes: 6.
Long story series